About us
The Resource Centre is the hub for the library and information services in the Institute. It serves as a creative and innovative partner in supporting the teaching, learning, scholarship and research activities of the Institute. With the fast growing collection, both in digital and print forms using the state-of-the-art facilities, the Resource Centre is contributing to the Institute's mission of becoming a world class Institute in the areas of Information and Communication Technology and related subjects.
The Resource Centre is housed in an independent and spacious building, located on the right side as one enters the campus. The location of the Resource Centre overlooks beautiful landscape of lush green plants and variety of flowers. The pleasant ambience and the well-furnished Resource Centre with open terraces and spacious reading rooms create an atmosphere of serenity and thereby inspire the learning and research.
The collection of the Resource Centre is rich and diverse, especially in terms of the breadth and depth of coverage. Collection encompasses subjects in communication technology, computer science, electronics, information technology, humanities and social sciences and related areas. This collection includes, books, conference proceedings, reference books, CD-ROMs, floppies, VCDs, DVDs, Video Cassettes etc. Currently, Resource Centre has over
30000 books, over 3700 CDs/DVDs, subscribes to more than 156 journals/magazines in print and subscribes to more than 5000 ejournals. Resource Centre collection is growing rapidly and we hope to add four to five thousand unique titles every year.
The Resource Centre operations and services are fully computerized using KOHA ILM software. Catalogue of the holdings is available 24X7 for online access through the web.
The major digital resources such as IEL Online Library, ACM Digital Library, Springer Link, ScienceDirectASA Digital Library, AIP & APS Online Journals, ASABE Technical Library, JSTOR Archive and indiastat.com are also accessible to the DA-IICT community any where on the campus.
Resource Centre has established an excellent co-operative arrangement with many resourceful libraries and consortia in the country. As an active promoter of the use of resources for the benefit of the DA-IICT community, Resource Centre has also become a member of several professional bodies, societies, associations, libraries and library consortia.

To become a premier Learning Resource Centre with a state-of-the-art library resources and services in the Information and Communication Technology and related areas.

The mission of the DA-IICT Resource Centre is to provide access to high quality information resources in all forms to the faculty, students and staff in support of teaching, learning, scholarship and research mission of the Institute. With a commitment to excellence in services, the Resource Centre offers information resources and innovative services to support the intellectual inquiry, research and lifelong learning needs of DA-IICT community.

- To establish and maintain an effective relationship with the students, faculty, researchers and staff of the Institute to ensure an informed and integrated approach to the creation and delivery of information services.
- To select, collect, create, organize, preserve, manage and provide access to information sources in print, non-print and digital forms, regardless of physical location, to support scholarly pursuit, learning, teaching and research in the Institute.
- To facilitate and promote access to the fast growing and expanding collection of digital sources of primary and secondary information.
- To develop and provide quality collections/resources, user facilities and library staff, to maintain an environment conducive to study and research.
- To create and deliver a range of networked information and document delivery services that encourage the study, scholarship and collaborative learning.
- To manage the information resources effectively and actively promote the optimum usage.
- To serve as Learning Resource Centre for knowledge management development in the area of Information and Communication Technology and related areas.
- To collaborate with other libraries, networks and consortia to optimize the access to knowledge base.
- To continually/periodically evaluate services and resource provision to ensure relevance and cost effectiveness.
- To serve as a community Resource Centre for professionals in Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad.

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