Resource Centre Membership
Institutional Membership
Resource Centre has established an excellent co-operative arrangement with many resourceful libraries and consortia in the country. As an active promoter of the use of resources for the benefit of the DA-IICT community, Resource Centre has also become a member of several professional bodies, societies, associations, libraries and library consortia.
Institutional Membership
Institutional Life Membership
Membership Benefits:
- ASI News Letter
- ASI Bulletin
- Proceedings of National Symposium on Acoustics
- The Society holds every year a "National Symposium on Acoustics" at different parts of the country. Although all branches of Acoustics are covered during this symposium, a special theme is usually selected for major discussion.

Institutional Annual Membership
Membership Benefits:
- Photocopies of articles, at cost, from any journal received by Libraries and Information Centers in Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar
- Books on Inter Library Loan wherever possible
- All publications are supplied free of charge
- ADINET Newsletter (4 issues in a year) are sent free of charge
- CUCOLIS and photocopies of full text of selected articles
- Free deputation of one person for all ADINET training programmes
- Free advice/consultation on library problems
- Invitation to ADINET Study Circle meetings
- Invitation to general body meeting of ADINET

Institutional Annual Membership
Membership Benefits:
- AMA News
- Discounts on purchasing Books, VCDs, Audio Cassettes of lectures and conferences organised by AMA and other Association publications
- Borrowing of books from the AMA Library
- Books on ILL
- Invitation to AMA Weekly and Monthly Lectures

Institutional Annual Membership
Membership Benefits:
- Borrowing of books
- Access to electronic information resources
- Specialised reference service
- Updates on current information in our interest area
- Copies of 'Article Alert' and 'Book Alert'
- Members can request customized bibliographies on specific subjects of their interest

Institutional Annual Membership
Membership Benefits:
- ASABE Technical Library
- Technical Expertise Database (TED)
- ASABE Committee Search
- ASABE Forums
- E-Mail Alias Forwarding Service
- ASABE Career Center
- E-Mentoring Program
- Meeting & Conference Registration
- Resource Magazine
- Order ASABE Publications
- Member Certificate, Card & Pin
- ASABE Section Membership
- Discounts on Publications
- Discounts on Meeting & Conference Registration
- Subscription to Resource
- Inside ASABE (newsletter)
- Awards, Scholarships and Recognition
- Professional Development
- ASABE Member Roster
- Discounts on Identity Theft Prevention Services through LifeLock

Institutional Annual Membership
Membership Benefits:
- 10 books/CDs+10 periodicals, 21 days
- Access to Online Information Resources

Institutional Annual Membership
Membership Benefits:
- 20% discount on membership of IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS)
- CSI members can pay their IEEE-CS fees in US$ drawn on US Bank account in favour of IEEE CS payable at USA to CSI. CSI in turn will remit to IEEE CS. The above discount is over and above all other discounts offered by IEEE CS to its members.
- Similar discount is also planned for IEEE Education Programme, CSDP.
- Discount on registration fee for all events conducted by CSI
- CSI publishes "CSI Communications" (monthly) and CSI Journal (quarterly) which are mailed to members. While the student members get the issues of CSI Communications alone, they can subscribe to the CSI Journal, at a nominal price
- Libraries of various Institutions/Colleges can subscribe to CSI Communications and CSI Journal.
CSI promotes and provides financial support for research work in contemporary areas in IT and Computer Science. Preference is given to CSI members. Members whose papers are selected for presentation in leading International conferences such as VLDB, ICDE etc can approach CSI for travel support to attend such conferences.

Institutional Annual Membership
Membership Benefits:
- DELNET is offering inter-Library loan & Document Delivery Services to its member libraries.
- DELNET maintains a referral centre which provides reference facilities to participating libraries.
- Access to Union Catalogues and Other Databases
- DELNET offers technical support to member institutions in the selection of Hardware, Software, Communication Links, Database Creation; and Technical problems faced by member-libraries from time to time.
- Professional Training

Institutional Life Membership
Membership Benefits:
- Gandhi Marg (Quarterly Journal)

Institutional Annual Membership
Membership Benefits:
- We are getting benefit of consortia-based subscription to electronic resources, highly discounted rates of subscription and better terms of agreement with the publishers for the electronic resources.

Institutional Annual Membership
Membership Benefits:
- IETE Newsletter
- One of the technical journals
- Subsidized subscription rates for other publications of IETE
- Other benefits include concessional rates for attending seminars, conferences and other technical programmes organized by IETE and opportunity to participate in meetings and forums on professional issues
- Members also have the opportunity to undergo professional development programmes conducted by the IETE and also avail the benefits of co-operative agreements that IETE has with professional bodies in other countries

Institutional Annual Membership
Membership Benefits:
- As an IASTED member, you receive a free subscription to any journal of your choice, as well as discounts on all other journals and proceedings volumes purchased during your membership year. In addition, all members attending our international conferences pay a reduced conference fee. All members receive the Call for Papers for conferences, providing a convenient way to stay informed on upcoming meetings

Institutional Annual Membership
Membership Benefits:
- Reduced fees for following events organized by ISCA
- Electronic monthly newsletter ISCApad
- Access to the ISCA archive which contains abstracts and full papers for most recent INTERSPEECH and ITRW events
- Reduced subscription rates for the Speech Communication Journal (including online access to the Speech Com archive)
- Right to apply for conference grants
- Receive one ISCA directory once a year

Institutional Annual Membership
Membership Benefits:
- Events database
- Global Directory (map)
- Publications
- TIES - Telecommunication Information Exchange Service

Institutional Annual Membership
Membership Benefits:
- Free subscription to ;login:, the magazine of USENIX, both in print and online
- Online access to all Conference Proceedings from 1993 to the present ($300 value)
- Access to the USENIX Jobs Board: Perfect for those who are looking for work or are looking to hire from the talented pool of USENIX members
- The right to vote in USENIX Association elections
- Discounts on technical sessions registration fees for all USENIX-sponsored and co-sponsored events
- Discounts on purchasing printed Proceedings, CD-ROMs, and other Association publications
- Discounts on industry-related publications such as Linux Journal, ACM Queue, and O'Reilly and No Starch Press books
- Request up to two additional copies of ;login: per issue (please email office@usenix.org)
- All Conference Proceedings produced during the membership term can be downloaded to your institution's server, to give your students and staff full access to papers from our events (you will receive notification when they are available)

Institutional Annual Membership
Membership Benefits:
- We are getting benefit of consortia-based subscription to electronic resources, highly discounted rates of subscription and better terms of agreement with the publishers for the electronic resources.
- Consortium also provides technical help and arranges for in-house training for optimal use of subscribed eresources.

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