Philosophy and Psychology (100-199) |
 | - Valences of the dialectic
by Jameson, Fredric|110 JAM| 033559 After half a century exploring dialectical thought, renowned cultural critic Fredric Jameson presents a comprehensive study of a misunderstood yet vital strain in Western philosophy. The dialectic, the concept of the evolution of an idea through conflicts arising from its inherent contradictions, transformed two centuries of Western philosophy.Read more...
 | - Constitution of selves
by Schechtman, Maria|126 SCH| 033555 An amnesia victim asking "Who am I?" means something different from a confused adolescent asking the same question. Marya Schechtman takes issue with analytic philosophy's emphasis on the first sort of question to the exclusion of the second.Read more...
Social sciences (300-399) |
 | - Ethnography, linguistics, narrative inequality : toward an understanding of voice
by Dell, Hymes|306.44089 DEL| 033815 This collection of work addresses the contribution that ethnography and linguistics make to education, and the contribution that research in education makes to anthropology and linguistics.;Read more...
 | - Lineages of the present : ideology and politics of contemporary South Asia
by Ahmad, Aijaz|320.53095409045 AHM| 033207 In March 1998, India broke a quarter-century’s silence when it detonated a series of nuclear devices in the Rajasthan desert. Having announced it possessed the requisite credentials for membership in the nuclear club in 1974, India quickly disavowed any desire to join, pledging not to develop its capability further.Read more...
 | - How to stand up to a dictator : the fight for our future
by Ressa, Maria|321.9 RES| 033677 Maria Ressa has spent decades speaking truth to power. But her work tracking disinformation networks seeded by her own government, spreading lies to its own citizens laced with anger and hate, has landed her in trouble with the most powerful man in the country: President Duterte.Read more...
 | - Brief history of neoliberalism
by Harvey, David|330.122 HAR| 033577 Neoliberalism--the doctrine that market exchange is an ethic in itself, capable of acting as a guide for all human action--has become dominant in both thought and practice throughout much of the world since 1970 or so.Read more...
Language (400-499) |
 | - Graphic politics in eastern India : script and the quest for autonomy
by Choksi, Nishaant|495.95 CHO| 033591 Investigating the communicative practices of indigenous Santali speakers in eastern India, Nishaant Choksi examines the overlooked role of script in regional movements for autonomy to provide one of the first comprehensive theoretical and ethnographical accounts of 'graphic politics'.Read more...
Natural sciences & mathematics (500-599) |
 | - Meaning of proofs : mathematics as storytelling
by Lolli, Gabriele|511.36 LOL| 033573 In The Meaning of Proofs, mathematician Gabriele Lolli argues that to write a mathematical proof is tantamount to inventing a story. Lolli offers not instructions for how to write mathematical proofs, but a philosophical and poetic reflection on mathematical proofs as narrative.Read more...
 | - Combinatorics and number theory of counting sequences
by Istvan, Mezo|511.6 IST| 033789 Combinatorics and Number Theory of Counting Sequences is an introduction to the theory of finite set partitions and to the enumeration of cycle decompositions of permutations.Read more...
Technology (Applied sciences) (600-699) |
 | - Blockchain for healthcare systems : challenges, privacy, and securing of data
by Idrees, Sheikh Mohammad|610.285 IDR| 033646 Blockchain for Healthcare Systems: Challenges, Privacy, and Securing of Data provides a detailed insight on how to reap the benefits of blockchain technology in healthcare, as the healthcare sector faces several challenges associated with privacy and security issues. It also provides in-depth knowledge regarding blockchain in healthcare and the underlying components.Read more...
 | - Meaningful stuff : design that lasts
by Chapman, Jonathan|670 CHA| 033640 Never have we wanted, owned, and wasted so much stuff. Our consumptive path through modern life leaves a wake of social and ecological destruction—sneakers worn only once, bicycles barely even ridden, and forgotten smartphones languishing in drawers.Read more...
Literature & rhetoric (800-899) |
 | - Elective affinities : a novel
by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von|833.6 GOE| 033462 In Elective Affinities Goethe conducts an experiment with the lives of people who are living badly. Charlotte and Eduard, aristocracts with little to occupy them, invite Ottilie and the Captain into their lives;Read more...
 | - Powers of horror : an essay on abjection
by Kristeva, Julia|843.912 KRI| 033495 Julia Kristeva, internationally known psychoanalyst and critic, is Professor of Linguistics at the University de Paris VII.Read more...
 | - Montaigne : a very short introduction
by Hamlin, William M|844.3 HAM| 033553 Montaigne: A Very Short Introduction provides an overview of Michel de Montaigne’s life, thought, and writing. This VSI situates Montaigne’s influential Essays within his lived experience.Read more...
 | - Visions of excess selected writings, 1927-1939
by Bataille, Georges|844.912 BAT| 033535 Since the publication of Visions of Excess in 1985, there has been an explosion of interest in the work of Georges Bataille.Read more...