Borrowing of RC Materials
DA-IICT Resource Centre provides general access and a full range of loan services. These services include issue of materials from the circulating collections, checking in returned materials, and shelving of reading materials. Circulation staff in the RC will also assist you in placing reservation and recall requests on items that are issued out and will help you in locating items in the stack area.
Circulation Policies
Borrowing of reading materials facility is available to the faculty, researchers, students and staff of the Institute. The registration to use the Resource Centre facility and services is automatic for the faculty and staff on joining the Institute and for students on registration for the courses.
The rules are framed to facilitate and promote, rather than to constrain, the use of Resource Centre collection and services.
Borrowing Privileges
- Faculty/Visiting Faculty/Academic staff
- 30 Books - for one semester
- Due dates: 15th May, 15th December
- 2 Reference books- for 5 days
- 2 Bound volumes / loose issues of journals - for 5 days
- 2 CD/VCD/DVD/Video etc.- for 5 days
- Late Fee
- Rs.2.00 per day (First-7 days)
- Rs.5.00 per day (8th day and onwards)
Note: For faculty and Academic staff, any book issued between 1 -15 December, and 1-15 May, of each semester, will be considered as issued for the next Semester.

- Administrative and Project Staff including Trainees
- 4 Books for 30 days
- 1 Bound volume/loose issue of a journal for 5 days
- 2 CD/VCD/DVD/Video etc.- for 5 days
- Late Fee
- Rs.2.00 per day (First-7 days)
- Rs.5.00 per day (8th day and onwards)

- Students
- Research Scholars
- 12 Books - for one semester
- Due dates: 15th May, 15th December
- 1 Bound volume/loose issue of a journal for 5 days
- PG Students
- 8 Books for 14 days
- 1 Bound volume/loose issue of a journal for 5 days
- UG Students
- Late Fee
General Books
- Rs.2.00 per day (First-7 days)
- Rs.5.00 per day (8th day and onwards)
Short Loan Books
- Rs.5.00 per day (First-7 days)
- Rs.10.00 per day (8th day and onwards)
Note: Books designated as Short Loan Collection for the current Semester will be issued only to faculty members and students for three days.

General Rules (Circulation)
- All issue & return of Resource Centre materials are handled from the Circulation Desk during its working hours.
- Borrowers are requested to make sure that the books are properly issued or returned.
- Resource Centre users are requested to bring their Smart Card while coming to the Resource Centre.
- The borrower is requested to check the books & other reading materials thoroughly for missing pages, chapters, any damages, markings etc. before borrowing.
- No book in damaged conditions may be accepted from the borrower. Mutilated or spoiled books may have to be replaced by the borrower.
- The borrowing facility can be restricted or suspended in case of misbehavior or misuse of the Resource Centre facilities/materials.
- Resource Centre materials will be issued/returned, only if borrower shows the Smart Card at the circulation Desk.
- The Institute Smart ID Card used for borrowing RC materials is not transferable and must be produced whenever requested by RC staff.
- Members are held responsible for all items issued on their name, until they are returned by the respective members to the Resource Centre.
- Latest issues of journals/magazines are not issued out.
- Materials designated as Newspapers are not issued out.
- Faculty and staff going on long leave, with or without salary, deputation, study leave, or extraordinary leave will have to return all borrowed materials before leaving the institute.
- No material from the Resource Centre should be taken out without proper issue/ recording. Any type of violation may lead to a disciplinary action.

Issue & Return
Monday - Friday |
9:00 am to 9:00 pm |
Saturdays, Sundays, Institute Holidays & Semester Breaks |
9:00 am to 5:30 pm |
- Materials issued out from the Resource Centre are to be returned at the Circulation Desk during its working hours.
- Materials issued out to be returned on or before the due date.

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