Reference and Information Service
The primary purpose of Reference Service is to assist students, faculty, researchers and staff in locating the required information, or information sources available in the RC or elsewhere. Staff at different locations in the RC are available to help readers to
- discover the rich collection of RC.
- identify and use electronic and print reference tools.
- formulate information search strategies.
- locate information in RC and elsewhere.
- answer specific information questions.
This service is provided in person or by email
Document Delivery Service (DDS)
Resource Centre Circulation Desk arranges to get photocopies of papers from journals, conference proceedings that are not held in its collection from different sources.
To make a request please email at

Inter Library Loan (ILL)
Resource Centre Circulation Desk arranges to borrow documents, that are not available in its collection, on Inter Library Loan from other local libraries for academic and research purpose. This is done on an Institution-to-Institution basis. Such materials will have to be handled with utmost care and returned to the Resource Centre well on time.
Both DDS and ILL services are provided for academic and research purpose to the faculty members, staff and research scholars. Others will have to make requests through faculty members. Members are requested to send a formal request to the Resource Centre with complete bibliographic details of documents required.
To make a request please email at
Resource Centre has established an excellent co-operative arrangement with most of the IITs, IIMs, and other resourceful libraries and consortium in Ahmedabad as well as in other places in the country. Please visit their catalogues
Resource Centre is a member of the following libraries, professional bodies and avails the services offered for the benefit of DA-IICT community
- Ahmedabad Management Association, Ahmedabad
- The American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE), US
- American Information Resource Centre, Mumbai
- British Computer Society, United Kingdom
- British Library, Ahmedabad
- Computer Society of India, Mumbai
- IASTED, Canada
- INDEST: Indian Digital Library in Engineering Science & Technology, New Delhi
- National Gandhi Museum, New Delhi

Photocopy Service
Photocopying facility is available at cost in the RC. This service is limited to library materials and particularly for copying research papers published in journals, conference proceedings for academic and research work without violating the Copy Right Act. The facility is located in a separate room opposite to Circulation Desk on the ground floor.

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