RC has a collection of books, journals and other reading materials in the area of ICT, humanities and social sciences and allied subjects taught in the Institute. This collection includes text-books, conference proceedings, general and reference books, CD-ROMs, floppies, VCDs, DVDs, Video Cassettes etc. RC collection is growing rapidly and we hope to add four to five thousand unique titles every year.
Books, monographs, conference proceedings etc are a part of this collection. This collection is located on the ground floor stack area next to the Circulation Desk
and on the first floor in the reference section.
Reference (REF) Books
Reference (REF) books such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, directories, handbooks, geographical sources, manuals and other related reading materials are located in the stack area on the first floor with separate labels indicating the reference collection.
Course Reserve (CR) Collection
Course Reserve (CR) Collection consists of textbooks, journal articles, conference papers, faculty ppt files, lecture notes and other reading materials recommended by the respective faculty members for different courses for each Semester. Most materials change from semester to semester, based on the course requirements. These materials are kept at the Circulation Desk and are meant for reference only within in the Resource Centre against Smart Card.
Browse or find Course Reserves - (An excel file)

Short Loan (SL) Collection
- Copies of text and reference books recommended by faculty for different courses which are likely to be in heavy demand during the semester are identified and designated as Short Loan (SL) Books.
- They are shelved along with other books with a green label as Short Loan collection.
- These are issued to the students for a period of only 3 days and are not renewable.
- Like the Course Reserve Collection, most materials in the Short Loan Collection change from semester to semester.

Current Journals
Resource Centre receives in print over 159 scholarly journals, magazines and newspapers. Please refer to the alphabetical list. These are displayed in alphabetical order in the reading hall on the first floor. List of all these journals is displayed on the notice boards and sufficient copies are kept in the reading area for immediate reference and consultation.
Bound Volumes of Journals
Resource Centre binds and preserves certain select list of scholarly and other useful journals for the future use. Please refer to the alphabetical list.
Electronic Journals
Resource Centre also provides an online access to over
5000 journals published by IEEE, IEE, ACM, Springer-Verlag, Elsevier and other publishers and aggregators in electronic form. To access the same, please visit IEL Online Library, ACM Digital Library, Springer Link, ScienceDirectASA Digital Library, AIP & APS Online Journals, ASABE Technical Library, JSTOR Archive and

Digital Media Resources Unit
Digital Resources such as CD-ROMs, DVDs, Video cassettes etc housed in the adjacent building. This part of the building have number of computer systems with multimedia facility and Internet connectivity to access the digital resources. Facility for individual and group viewing of educational video programmes is being made available. Separate preview room with all the required facility is being setup.

Organizing the collection on the shelf
RC follows Dewey Decimal Classification System for classification of books and organizing the collection on the shelf. Some of the major class numbers used for this purpose are given in a separate table. Copies of the charts giving main class numbers are displayed in the stack area and other parts of the RC.

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