Bound Volumes of Journals
Resource Centre binds and preserves certain select list of scholarly and other useful journals for the future use. Please refer to the alphabetical list. This list provides the information about the titles held in the collection along with holdings information mentioned against 'RC has' and 'RC lacks'. These bound volumes are placed in the journals reading hall on the first floor and are arranged in alphabetical order. The print copies of catalogue are also kept in different places in the RC for immediate reference.

- ACM Computing Surveys (Vol. 1, 1969-)
New York, Association for Computing Machinery
ISSN: 0360-0300
RC has: Vol. 35, 2003
- ACM Transaction on Computer Systems (Vol. 1, 1983-)
Baltimore, Association for Computing Machinery
ISSN: 0734-2071
RC has: Vol. 21, 2003
- ACM Transactions on Database Systems (Vol. 1, 1976-)
New York, Association for Computing Machinery
ISSN: 0362-5915
RC has: Vol. 28, 2003
- ACM Transactions on Graphics (Vol. 1, 1982-)
New York, Association for Computing Machinery
ISSN: 0730-0301
RC has: Vol. 22, 2003
- ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (Vol. 1, 1998-)
New York, Association for Computing Machinery
ISSN: 1094-9224
RC has: Vol. 6, 2003
- ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (Vol. 1, 1992-)
New York, Association for Computing Machinery
ISSN: 1049-331X
RC has: Vol. 12, 2003
- Acoustics Today (Vol. 1, 2007-)
New York, Acoustical Society of America
ISSN: 1557-0215
RC has : Vol. 3, 2007 +
RC lacks: Vol. 3 (2) 2007
- Adbusters Magazine (Vol. 1, 1989-)
Vancouver, Media Foundation
ISSN: 0847-9097
RC has : Vol. 13, 2005+
RC lacks: Vol. 13 (1-2), 2005
- Aerospace Science and Technology (Vol. 1, 2008-)
New York, Elsevier Science
ISSN: 1270-9638
8 Issues Per Year
RC has: Vol. 12, 2008 - 14, 2010
- Agricultural Research Magazine (Vol. 1, 1953-)
Washington, Agricultural Research Administration
ISSN: 0002-161X
RC has: Vol. 52, 2004 +
- Agricultural Situation in India,
Ministry of Agriculture, GOI, New Delhi, IN
ISSN: 0002-1679
RC has : Vol. 64-65, 2008+
RC Lacks : Vol. 65 (1-9), 2008
- Agriculture Today (Vol. 1, 1998-)
New Delhi, Center for Agriculture and Rural Development
ISSN: 0895-2442
RC has : Vol. 7, 2004 +
RC lacks: Vol. 11 (7-12), 2008
- Alternatives: Global, Local and Political (Vol. 1, 1975-)
New Delhi, Centre for the Study & Dev. Societies (CSDS)
ISSN: 0304-3754
5 Issues Per Year
RC has: Vol. 28, 2003+
- American Anthropologist (Vol. 1, 1899-)
Washington, American Anthropological Association
ISSN: 0002-7294
RC has: Vol. 105, 2003+
- American Cinematographer (Vol. 1, 1920-)
Los Angeles, American Society of Cinematographer Corporation
ISSN: 0002-7928
RC has: Vol. 84, 2003+
- American Journal of Physics (Vol. 1, 1933-)
Maryland, American Association of Physics Teachers
ISSN: 0002-9505
RC has : Vol. 71, 2003 - 77, 2009
RC lacks: Vol. 71 (12), 2003
- American Mathematical Monthly (Vol. 1, 1894-)
Washington DC, Mathematical Association of America
ISSN: 0002-9890
10 Issues Per Year
RC has: Vol. 110, 2003+
- American Scientist (Vol. 1, 1913-)
New York, Scientific Research Society
ISSN: 0003-0996
RC has: Vol. 91, 2003+
- Auto and Design (Vol. 1, 1979-)
Italy, Auto and Design advertising
ISSN: 0393-8387
RC has : Vol. 27, 2005 - 23, 2010
RC lacks: Vol. 31 (5), 2009
- BBC Wildlife (Vol.1, 1983-)
Bristol, Origin Publishing Ltd.,
ISSN: 0265-3656
RC has : Vol. 23, 2005 - 29 (2), 2011
RC lacks: Vol. 25(12), 2007,
Vol. 27(11) 2009
- BioSystems (Vol. 1, 1967-)
New York, Elsevier Science
ISSN: 0303-2647
RC has: Vol. 95, 2009
- Book Review (Vol. 1, 1976-)
New Delhi, Book Review Literary Trust
RC has: Vol. 29, 2005+
(RC Preserves only last two year's issues along with current year issues)
- Briefings in Bioinformatics (Vol. 1, 2000-)
London, Oxford University Press
ISSN: 1467-5463
RC has: Vol. 5, 2004 +
- British Journal for the History of Science (Vol. 1, 1962-)

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, US
ISSN: 0007-0874
RC has: Vol. 44, 2011 +
- Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society (Vol. 1, 1969-)
Cambridge UK, London Mathematical Society
ISSN: 0024-6093
RC has : Vol. 35, 2003 +
RC Lacks : Vol. 39(5) 2007
- Business India (Issue No. 1, 1978-)
Mumbai, A. H. Advani
ISSN: 0254-5268
RC has: Issue No. 666, 2003+
(RC preserves only last two year's issues along with the current year issues)
- Business Today (Vol. 1, 1992-)
New Delhi, Living Media India Ltd.,
ISSN: 1000-1222
RC has: Vol. 11 (8), 2002+
(RC preserves only last two year's issues along with the current year issues)
- Business World (Vol. 1, 1981-)
Kolkata, Ananda Bazar Patrika Ltd.,
ISSN: 2000-1007
RC has: Vol. 23 (12), 2003+
(RC preserves only last two year's issues along with the current year issues)
- Career 360 (Vol. 1, 2009-)
New Delhi, Pathfinder Publishing Private Ltd.,
RC has: Vol. 3, 2011+
(RC preserves only last two year's issues along with the current year issues)
- Circuit Cellar (Issue No. 1, 1999-)
Vernon, Circuit Cellar Inc.,
ISSN: 1527-8131
RC has: Issue No. 192, 2006 +
- Communication Arts (Vol. 1, 1969-)
Menlo Park CA, Communication Arts
ISSN: 0010-3519
8 Issues Per Year
RC has : Vol. 47, 2005 +
RC lacks: Vol. 47(3), 2005
- Communications of the ACM (Vol. 1, 1958-)
New York, Associations for Computing Machinery
ISSN: 0010-3519
RC has : Vol. 48, 2005 - 50, 2007
RC Lacks : Vol. 48 (1),2005
- Comparative Studies in Society and History (Vol. 1, 1958-)

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, US
ISSN: 0010-4175
RC has: Vol. 53, 2011 +
- Computer Bulletin (Vol. 1, 1957-)
London, British Computer Society
ISSN: 0010-4531
RC has : Vol. 45, 2003
RC lacks: Vol. 45(1-3), 2003
- Computer Communications (Vol.1, 1978-)
Amsterdam, Elsevier Science
ISSN: 0140-3664
18 Issues Per Year
RC has: Vol. 26, 2003 - 30, 2007
- Computer Journal (Vol. 1, 1958-)
Oxford, Oxford University Press
ISSN: 0010-4620
RC has: Vol. 46, 2003 +
- Computer Music Journal (Vol. 1, 1977-)
Cambridge, MIT Press
ISSN: 0148-9267
RC has: Vol. 28, 2004 - 29, 2005
- Computer Standards and Interfaces (Vol. 5, 1986-)
Amsterdam, Elsevier Science
ISSN: 0920-5489
RC has: Vol. 25, 2003 - 27, 2004
- Computer Vision and Image Understanding (Vol. 1, 1969-)
San Diego, Academic Press Inc.,
ISSN: 1077-3142
RC has : Vol. 89, 2003 - 108, 2007
RC lacks: Vol. 97(3) 2005
- Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (Vol. 1, 1985-)
Amsterdam, Elsevier Science
ISSN: 0168-1699
RC has: Vol. 38, 2003 - 59, 2007
- Computers and Security (Vol. 1, 1982-)
Amsterdam, Elsevier Science
ISSN: 0167-4048
8 Issues Per Year
RC has: Vol. 22, 2003 - 26, 2007
- Computing Reviews (Vol. 1, 1960-)
New York, Association for Computing Machinery
ISSN: 0010-4884
RC has: Vol. 44, 2003 - 48, 2007
RC lacks: Vol. 47 (6, 7 &11), 2006
- Contributions to Indian Sociology (Vol. 1, 1957-)
New Delhi, Sage Publications
ISSN: 0069-9667
RC has: Vol. 37, 2003 +
- Control & Intelligent System (Vol. 1, 1972-)
Anaheim, Acta Press/IASTED
ISSN: 1480-1752
RC has: Vol. 32, 2004
- Cryptologia (Vol. 1, 1977-)
New York, Department of Mathematical Science
ISSN: 0161-1194
RC has: Vol. 27, 2003 +
- CSI Communications (Vol. 1, 1965-)
Mumbai, Computer Society of India
ISSN: 0970-647X
RC has: Vol. 27, 2003+
RC lacks: Vol. 28 (1-3), 2004
- Current Opinion in Genetics & Development (Vol. 1, 1991)

New York, Elsevier Science
ISSN: 0959-437X
RC has : 19, 2009 +
- Current Opinion in Structural Biology (Vol. 1, 1991)
New York, Elsevier Science
ISSN: 0959-440X
RC has: Vol.18, 2008+
- Current Science (Vol. 1, 1932-)
Bangalore, Current science Association
ISSN: 0011-3891
RC has: Vol. 84, 2003 +
- Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Vol. 1, 1955-)
Cambridge, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
ISSN: 0011-5266
RC has: Vol. 133, 2004 +
RC lacks: Vol. 137 (3), 2008
- Data Quest (Vol. 1, 1982-)
New Delhi, Cyber Media
ISSN: 0970-034X
RC has: Vol. 21, 2003+
(RC preserves only last two year's issues along with current year issues)
- Defense Science Journal (Vol. 1, 1949-)
New Delhi, Ministry of Defence
ISSN: 0011748X
RC has : 57, 2007 +
RC lacks: 58(1) 2008
- Design Issues (Vol. 1, 1984-)
Cambridge, MIT Press
ISSN: 0747-9360
RC has: Vol. 19, 2003 +
- Design Plus (Vol. 1, -)
Ahmedabad, National Institute of Design
RC has: Vol. 13, 2004 - 30, 2008
(RC preserves only last two year's issues along with current year issues)
- Development and Change (Vol. 1, 1970-)

Singapore, Wiley-Blackwell,
ISSN: 0012-155X
RC has : Vol. 41, 2010+
- Digit (Vol. 1, 2001-)
Mumbai, Jasubhai Digital Media
ISSN: 1461-3816
RC has: Vol. 2(5), 2002+
(RC preserves only last two year's issues along with current year issues)
- Digital Signal Processing (Vol. 1, 1991-)
Amsterdam, Elsevier Science
ISSN: 1051-2004
RC has: Vol. 13, 2003 - 17, 2007
- Discover (Vol. 1, 1980-)
New York, Disney Publishing Worldwide
ISSN: 0274-7529
RC has : Vol. 25, 2004 +
RC lacks : 26(6-12)2005, 2006 - 2008
- Distributed and Parallel Databases (Vol. 1, 1993-)
Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publisher
ISSN: 0926-8782
RC has: Vol. 13, 2003 - 16, 2004
- Domus (Issue No. 1, 1928-)
Milano, IT, Casa ed. Domus
ISSN: 0012-5377
11 issues per year
RC has : Issue No. 855, 2003 - 896, 2006
- Down to Earth (Vol. 1, 1992-)
New Delhi, Society for Environmental Communications
ISSN: 1328-8369
RC has : Vol. 11, 2003 +
RC lacks: Vol. 15 (21-24), 2007
- Dr. Dobb's Journal (Vol. 1, 1976-)
San Francisco, CMP Media LLC
ISSN: 1044-789X
RC has : Vol. 28, 2003 - 33, 2008
RC lacks: Vol. 28 (1-9), 2003

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