Special Lectures
This is the list of invited special lectures/invited talks held at DA-IICT from time to time. The list provides name of the speaker, his/her affiliation with linkto his/her website and the topic/theme on which lecture was delivered. Links to slides and audio recording is also provided wherever possible.
Year 2009
06 November, 2009 |
Prof. R. Ramanujam Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai |
Games and Computation |
02 September, 2009 |
Prof. Uday P. Khedker Dept. of CSE, IIT Bombay, Mumbai |
Understanding and Improving the GNU Compiler Collection |
31, March, 2009 |
Prof. Amara Amara Institute Superor Electronique de Paris, France |
Beyond Conventional CMOS Technology: A Challenge for New Design Concepts |
18 March, 2009 |
Mr. Avinash Chander Emiretus Scientist, DRDO, New Delhi |
India's Missile System and Strategic Communication |
11 February,2009 |
Prof. Abhay Karandikar TTSL-IIT Bombay Center for Excellence in Telecom, IIT Bombay, Mumbai |
On-line Algorithms for Power Efficient Scheduling under Fading Channel |
13 January, 2009 |
Prof. Amit Sheth LexisNexis, Ohio Eminent Scholar & IEEE Fellow, Wright State University, USA |
Web 3.0, Semantic Services, Sensors and Social Computing |
2 January, 2009 |
Prof. Sumit Roy (Fellow, IEEE), Fundamentals of Networking Lab, U. Washington |
1. 802.11 Based Multi Hop Networks
2. Sensing for Cognitive Radio Networks |

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