CD-ROM/DVD/Video Collection
Currently, RC has over 3500 CDs and DVDs received along with books and journals and few videocassettes. This collection is organized separately and are made available on request for use within RC. Separate viewing facility is available in the RC. The details of such material can be searched using the RC online catalogue.
For the benefit of users separate lists of videocassettes, VCDs and DVDs are available in the RC is given below. In order to view the resources, advance reservation of the facility is required. For more details, please contact Circulation Desk.

ACM97: the next 50 years of computing [video recording] / by Bran Ferren. New York: Association for Computing Machinery. Tape 3
- ACM97: the next 50 years of computing [video recording] / by Elliot Soloway. New York: Association for Computing Machinery. Tape 5
ACM 97: the next 50 years of computing [video recording] / by James Burke. New York: Association for Computing Machinery. Tape 1
ACM97: the next 50 years of computing [video recording] / by Joel Birnbaum. New York: Association for Computing Machinery. Tape 2
ACM97: the next 50 years of computing [video recording] / by Raj Reddy. New York: Association for Computing Machinery. Tape 6
ACM97: the next 50 years of computing [video recording] / by Vint Cerf. New York: Association for Computing Machinery. Tape 4
Arabesques and geometry [video recording] / by Antonio F.Costa. Brlin: Springer-Verlag, 2000.
CMI millennium meeting a film [video recording] / by Francois Tisseyre. Paris: Clay Mathematics Institute Millennium Meeting College de France, May 24-25, 2000.
Computer pioneers and pioneer computers: dawn of electronic computing 1935-1945 [video recording] / produced by Association for Computing Machinery. Tape 1
Computer pioneers and pioneer computers: dawn of electronic computing 1946-1950 [video recording] / produced by Association for Computing Machinery. Tape 2
Early history of mathematics [video recording (VHS/PAL)] / by Tom M. Apostol. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2003.
Fantastic world of M.C. Escher [video recording] / by Michele Emmer. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2000.
Importance of Mathematics [video recording] / by Timothy Gowers. Paris: Clay Mathematics Institute Millennium Meeting College de France, May 24-25, 2000.
Life's longing for itself: parables from the study of complex systems [video recording] / by J. Doyne Farmer. Santa Fe Institute 9th Annual Stanislaw Ulam memorial lecture, Tape 1.
Life's longing for itself: parables from the study of complex systems [video recording] / by J. Doyne Farmer. Santa Fe Institute 9th Annual Stanislaw Ulam memorial lecture, Tape 2.
Life's longing for itself: parables from the study of complex systems [video recording] / by J. Doyne Farmer, Santa Fe Institute 9th Annual Stanislaw Ulam memorial lecture, Tape 3.
Millennium prize problem lecture [video recording] / by Michael Atiyah. Paris: Clay Mathematics Insitute Millennium Meeting College de France, May 24-25, 2000.
Millennium prize problems [video recording] / by John Tate. Paris: Clay Mathematics Institute Millennium Meeting College de France, May 24-25, 2000.
N is a number: a potrait of Paul Erdos [video recording (VHS/PAL)] / by George P. Csicsery. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1999.
New shepherd's lamp [video recording] / by Jean-Pierre Bourguignon. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1999.
Turning a sphere inside out [video recording] / by Max Nelson L. Wellesley: A.K. Peters Ltd., 2004.
To spray or not to spray [video recording] / produced by ICRISAT
Touching soap films [video recording (VHS)] / by A. Arnez. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1999.
Video and multimedia at 3ecm [video recording] / by Sebastia Xambo-Descamps, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1999.

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