Special issues of Journals
The Resource Centre prepares from time to time, the list of special issues (devoted for a specific theme) of scholarly journals received both in print as well as electronic form. This list is updated frequently and posted on RC website. E-journals covered for this purpose are the ones published by ACM and IEEE.

Current progress in Bioinformatics Briefings in Bioinformatics, vol.13 no.4, July.2012
Embedded Applications, Circuit Cellar, no. 258, Jan. 2012.
Wireless Communications Circuit Cellar, no. 259, Feb. 2012.
Robotics Circuit Cellar,no. 260, March. 2012.
Embedded Programming Circuit Cellar,no. 261, April. 2012.
Measurement & Sensors Circuit Cellar,no. 262, May. 2012.
Communications Circuit Cellar,no. 263, June. 2012.
Internet & Connectivity Circuit Cellar,no. 264, July. 2012.
Embedded Development Circuit Cellar,no. 265, Aug. 2012.
Data Acquisition Circuit Cellar,no. 266, Sept. 2012.
Centenary of Alan Turing Computer Journal,vol.55 no.7, July.2012
Security and Performance of Networks and Clouds Computer Journal,vol.55 no.8, Aug.2012
Digital Forensics Computer Journal,vol.55 no.6, June.2012
Probability Models in Performance Analysis Computer Journal, vol.55 no.5, May.2012
Advances in Network and System Security Computer Journal,vol.55 no.4, April.2012
Engineering Knowledge and Semantic Systems Computer Journal,vol.55 no.3, March.2012
Performance Modelling, Benchmarking and Simulation of High Performance Computing Systems Computer Journal,vol.55 no.2, Feb.2012
Suicide in South Asia: Ethnographic perspectives Contribution to Indian Sociology,vol.46 no.1-2, Feb & June.2012
Folding and binding/Protein-nucleic acid interactions Current Opinion in Structural Biology,vol.22 no.1, Feb.2012
Theory and simulation/Macromolecular assemblage Current Opinion in Structural Biology,vol.22 no.2, April.2012
Nucleic acids/Sequences and topology Current Opinion in Structural Biology, vol.22 no.3, June.2012
Cryptology and Communication Security Defence Science Journal,vol.62 no.1, Jan.2012
2011 Franz Edelman Award for Achievement in Operations Research and the Management Sciences Interfaces,vol.42 no.1, Jan & Feb.2012
Analytics in Sports, Part I: General Sports Applications Interfaces,vol.42 no.2, March & April.2012
Analytics in Sports, Part II: Sports Scheduling Applications Interfaces, vol.42 no.3, May & June.2012
Emerging Trends in Accelerator Radiation Safety-Part I Indian journal of Pure & Applied Physic,vol.50 no.7, July.2012
International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA 2011) Journal of Discrete Algorithms, vol.16, 2012
International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA 2010) Journal of Discrete Algorithms, vol.14, 2012
Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP 2010) Journal of Discrete Algorithms,vol.13, 2012
Algorithms and Complexity in Durham Workshop ACiD 2010 Journal of Discrete Algorithms,vol.12, 2012
Stringology, Bioinformatics and Algorithms Journal of Discrete Algorithms,vol.11, 2012
String Masters 2009 & 2010 Journal of Discrete Algorithms,vol.10, 2012
Selected Papers from ACM BCB 2011 Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology,vol.10 no.1, Feb.2012
Selected Papers from MCCMB 2011 Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology,vol.10 no.2, April.2012
Computational Structural Bioinformatics Workshop 2011 Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology,vol.10 no.3, June.2012
Innovative Education, ORMS Today,vol.39 no.4, Aug.2012
Technologies, Lives and Futures in Asia Science Technology & Society,vol.17 no.1, march.2012
Beyond the limits Science Scientific American,vol.307 no.3, Sept.2012
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