Online Resources
ACM Digital Library
Covers digital collection of all publications brought out by Association of Computing Machinery, USA, covering the period from 1954 onwards. Provides an access to over 1,64,603 full text articles from large number of journals, magazines and conference proceedings.
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Alphabetic list of ACM Online journals, Magazines, Transactions, Proceedings and Newsletters subscribed in the Resource Centre
- ACM Policy: ACM Policy
- ACM-SE: ACM Southeast Regional Conference
- AFRIGRAPH: Computer graphics, virtual reality, visualisation and interaction in Africa
- AGENTS: International Conference on Autonomous Agents
- AICPS: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
- ANNA: Analysis of Neural Net Applications Conference
- ANSS: Annual Simulation Symposium
- AOSD: Aspect-oriented software development
- APL: International Conference on APL
- ASPDAC: with EDA Technofair Design Automation Conference Asia and South Pacific
- ASPLOS: Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
- ASSETS: ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Assistive Technologies
- C&C: Creativity and Cognition
- CASES: International Conference on Compilers, Architecture and Synthesis for Embedded Systems
- CAW: Computer Architecture Workshop
- CCS: Conference on Computer and Communications Security
- CCSC: Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges
- CCU: Contemporary Computing in Ukraine
- CF: Conference On Computing Frontiers
- CFP: Computers, Freedom and Privacy
- CGO: Code Generation and Optimization
- CHI: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
- CIKM: Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
- CITC: Conference On Information Technology Education
- CODES: International Conference on Hardware Software Codesign
- COLT: Annual Workshop on Computational Learning Theory
- COMM: Applications, Technologies, Architectures,and Protocols for Computer Communication
- CPR: Special Interest Group on Computer Personnel Research Annual Conference
- CQL: Symposium on Computers and the Quality of Life
- CSC: ACM Annual Computer Science Conference
- CSCW: Computer Supported Cooperative Work
- CUU: ACM Conference on Universal Usability
- CVE: Collaborative Virtual Environments
- DAC: Annual ACM IEEE Design Automation Conference
- DARE: Designing Augmented Reality Environments
- DATE: Design, Automation, and Test in Europe
- DEBS: Distributed event-based systems
- DIAL M: Workshop on Discrete Algothrithms and Methods for MOBILE Computing and Communications
- DIS: Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems
- DL: International Conference on Digital Libraries
- DMKD: Data Mining And Knowledge Discovery
- DOLAP: Data Warehousing and OLAP
- DPDS: International Symposium on Databases for Parallel and Distributed Systems
- DPPI: Designing Pleasurable Products And Interfaces
- DRM: ACM Workshop On Digital Rights Management
- DUX: Designing For User Experiences
- DocEng: Document Engineering
- Dynamo: Workshop on Dynamic and Adaptive Compilation and Optimization
- EC: Electronic Commerce
- ECA: Ethics in the Computer Age
- ECLIPSE: OOPSLA workshop on eclipse technology eXchange
- EDTC: European Design and Test Conference
- EMSOFT: International Conference On Embedded Software
- ERLANG: Annual ERLANG Workshop
- ETRA: Eye Tracking Research & Application
- EW: ACM SIGOPS European Workshop
- EuroDAC: European Design Automation Conference
- FMSE: Workshop on Formal Methods in Security Engineering
- FMSP: Formal Methods in Software Practice
- FOIS: Formal Ontology in Information Systems
- FPCA: Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture
- FPGA: International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays
- GECCO: Genetic And Evolutionary Computation Conference
- GIS: Geographic Information Systems
- GLVLSI: Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI
- GRAPHITE: Computer graphics and interactive techniques in Austalasia and South East Asia
- GROUP: Conference on Supporting Group Work
- HMI: History of Medical Informatics
- HOPL: History of Programming Languages
- HPW: History of Personal Workstations
- HSNC: History of Scientific and Numeric Computation
- HT: Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia
- HWWS: SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS Workshop On Graphics Hardware
- Haskell: Haskell
- Hypercube: Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications
- ICAIL: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law
- ICCAD: International Conference on Computer Aided Design
- ICE: International Conference on Information and Computation Economies
- ICER: International Computing Education Research Workshop
- ICFP: International Conference on Functional Programming
- ICIS: International Conference on Information Systems
- ICS: International Conference on Supercomputing
- ICSE: International Conference on Software Engineering
- ICSOC: International Conference On Service Oriented Computing
- IDC: Interaction Design And Children
- IEA/AEI: International conference on Industrial and engineering applications of artificial intelligence and expert systems
- IMC: Internet Measurement Conference
- IOPADS: Workshop on I/O in Parallel and Distributed Systems
- IPSN: Information Processing In Sensor Networks
- IQIS: Information Quality in Informational Systems
- IRAL: International Workshop on Information Retrieval with Asia Languages
- IRTAW: International Workshop on Real-time Ada Issues
- ISCA: International Conference on Computer Architecture
- ISLPED: International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design
- ISMIS: International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems
- ISMM: International Symposium on Memory Management
- ISPD: International Symposium on Physical Design
- ISPW: International Software Process Workshop
- ISSAC: International Conference on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
- ISSS: International Symposium on Systems Synthesis
- ISSTA: International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
- ITiCSE: Annual Joint Conference Integrating Technology into Computer Science Education
- IUI: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
- IVME: Interpreters, Virtual Machines And Emulators
- IWSSD: International Workshop on Software Specifications & Design
- InfoSecCD: Information security curriculum development
- JAVA: Java Grande Conference
- KCAP: International Conference On Knowledge Capture
- KDD: Conference on Knowledge Discovery in Data
LCTES: Language, Compiler and Tool Support for Embedded Systems
LFP: Conference on LISP and Functional Programming
MDM: International Conference On Mobile Data Management
MICRO: International Symposium on Microarchitecture
MM: International Multimedia Conference
MMDB: ACM International Workshop On Multimedia Databases
MSP: Memory System Performance
MSWiM: International Workshop on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems
MVL: Multiple-Valued Logic
Middleware: Multimedia Middleware Workshop
MobiCom: International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking
MobiDE: International Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access
MobiHoc: International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking & Computing
MobiSys: International Conference On Mobile Systems, Applications And Services
NOSSDAV: International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video
NPAR: Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering
NPIVM: New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation
NSPW: New Security Paradigms Workshop
NetGames: Network and System Support for Games
OODS: International Workshop on Object-Oriented Database Systems
OOPSLA: Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and Applications
PADS: Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation
PASCO: International Symposium on Parallel Symbolic Computation
PASTE: Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering
PDC: Participatory Design
PEPM: ACM/SIGPLAN Workshop Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation
PLDI: Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation
PODC: Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
PODS: Symposium on Principles of Database Systems
POMC: ACM Workshop On Principles Of Mobile Computing
POPL: Annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages
PPDP: International Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming
PPEALS: Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
PPoPP: Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
PRS: Parallel Rendering Symposium
PVG: Parallel and large-data visualization and graphics
RBAC: ACM Workshop on Role Based Access Control
RECOMB: Annual Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology
RULE: Workshop On Rule-Based Programming
SAC: Symposium on Applied Computing
SACMAT: Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies
SASN: Workshop on Security of ad hoc and Sensor Networks
SC: Conference on High Performance Networking and Computing
SCA: Symposium on Computer Animation
SCC: Symposium on Compiler Construction
SCCG: Spring Conference on Computer Graphics
SCG: Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry
SCM: Software Configuration Management Workshop
SCN: Simulation of Computer Networks
SENSYS: Conference On Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
SESPSDE: Software Engineering Symposium on Practical Software Development Environments
SETA: Symposium on Environments and Tools for Ada
SI3D: Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics
SIGAda: Annual International Conference on Ada
SIGCSE: Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
SIGDOC: ACM Special Interest Group for Design of Communications
SIGGRAPH: International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
SIGIR: Annual ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
SIGMETRICS: Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems
SIGMOD: International Conference on Management of Data
SIGSMALL/PC: Symposium on Small Systems
SIGSOFT: Foundations of Software Engineering
SIGUCCS: User Services Conference
SLIP: International Workshop on System-Level Interconnect Prediction
SLIPE: Symposium on Language Issues in Programming Environments
SM: ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications
SODA: Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
SOSP: ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
SPAA: ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures
SPDT: Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Tools
SSR: Symposium on Software Reusability
STOC: Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing
SV: Software Visualization
SVR: SIGGRAPH Video Review
SYMSAC: Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation
TAPIA: Richard Tapia Celebration Of Diversity In Computing
TARK: Theoretical Aspects Of Rationality And Knowledge
TAU: Timing Issues In The Specification And Synthesis Of Digital Systems
TDES: Trends and Direction in Expert Systems
TLDI: Types In Languages Design And Implementation
UIST: Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
VAST: Virtual reality, archeology, and cultural heritage
VEE: ACM/Usenix International Conference On Virtual Execution Environments
VIS: IEEE Visualization
VLDB: Very Large Data Bases
VRML: Virtual Reality Modeling Language Symposium
VRST: Virtual Reality Software and Technology
VolVis: Symposium on Volume Visualization
WACC: International Conference on Work activities Coordination and Collaboration
WADAS: Washington Ada Symposium
WIDM: Workshop On Web Information And Data Management
WMASH: Wireless Mobile Applications And Services On WLAN Hotspots
WMC: International Workshop on Mobile Commerce
WMI: Wireless Mobile Internet
WORM: Workshop on Rapid Malcode
WOSP: Workshop on Software and Performance
WOSS: Workshop on Self-healing systems
WPDD: Workshop on Parallel & Distributed Debugging
WPES: Workshop On Privacy In The Electronic Society
WS: Wireless Security
WSC: Winter Simulation Conference
WSNA: International Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications
WUAUC: Workshop on Universal Accessibility of Ubiquitous Computing
WWW: International World Wide Web Conference
Web3D: 3D technologies for the World Wide Web
WoWMoM: International Workshop on Wireless Mobile Multimedia
XMLSEC: Workshop On XML Security

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