Current Awareness Services
Call for Journal Papers Alert
This page provides the listing of, and links to the call
for papers to be published in special issues of various journals, transactions,
magazines brought out by ACM, IEEE and IET (formerly IEE, UK), to start with. In due course we would
also like to expand this list to cover other journals.
The list is arranged by journal name and theme.
Year 2012

- IEEE Internet Computing (deadline to submit the paper July 15, 2012)
Theme :
Computer Crime

- IEEE Transactions on Multimedia - April 2013 (deadline to submit the paper April 16, 2012)
Theme :
Multimodal Biomedical Imaging
- IEEE Software - November/December 2012 (deadline to submit the paper April 1, 2012)
Theme :
Technical Debt
- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence - December 1st, 2012 (deadline to submit the paper April 1, 2012)
Theme :
Learning Deep Architectures

- IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies - June 26th, 2012 (deadline to submit the paper February 26, 2012)
Theme :
Learning Systems for Science and Technology Education
- IEEE Transactions on Multimedia - February 2013 (deadline to submit the paper February 15, 2012)
Theme :
Cloud-Based Mobile Media: Infrastructure, Services and Applications
- IEEE Transactions on Multimedia - February 2013 (deadline to submit the paper February 15, 2012)
Theme :
Cloud-Based Mobile Media: Infrastructure, Services and Applications
- Computer - August 2012 (deadline to submit the paper February 15, 2012)
Theme :
Massively Threaded Computer Systems
- Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering - 29 June 2012 (deadline to submit the paper February 10,2012)
Theme :
- IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging - January 2013 (deadline to submit the paper February 1, 2012)
Theme :
Medical Imaging in Computational Physiology
- IEEE Software - September/October 2012 (deadline to submit the paper February 1, 2012)
Theme :
Lean Software Development

- IEEE Micro - July/August 2012 (deadline to submit the paper January 27, 2012)
Theme :
Parallelization of Sequential Coden
- IEEE Design & Test of Computers - July/August 2012 (deadline to submit the paper January 20, 2012)
Theme :
Green Buildings
- IEEE Internet Computing - Sept./Oct. 2012 (deadline to submit the paper Jan 20, 2012)
Theme :
- IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing - Aug. 6, 2012 (deadline to submit the paper January 20, 2012)
Theme :
Filtering and Segmentation in Mathematical Morphology
- IEEE Transactions on Multimedia - February 2013 (deadline to submit the paper February 15, 2012)
Theme :
Cloud-Based Mobile Media: Infrastructure, Services and Applications
- IEEE TCRTS - 16-19 April, 2012 (deadline to submit the paper January 15, 2012))
Theme :
RTAS 2012 Work-in-Progress Session
- IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications - Sept./Oct. 2012 (deadline to submit the paper January 14, 2012)
Theme :
Biomedical Applications: From Data Capture to Modeling