Current Awareness Services
Call for Journal Papers Alert
This page provides the listing of, and links to the call
for papers to be published in special issues of various journals, transactions,
magazines brought out by ACM, IEEE and IET (formerly IEE, UK), to start with. In due course we would
also like to expand this list to cover other journals.
The list is arranged by journal name and theme.
Year 2008
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part B - 4th Quarter 2009 (tentative) (deadline to submit the paper December 31, 2008 [extended deadline])
Theme :
Adaptive and Learning Systems
- ACM Mobile Networks and Applications [MONET] - 3rd or 4th Quarter 2009 (tentative) (deadline to submit the paper December 31, 2008 [extended deadline])
Theme :
Wireless Heterogeneous Networks and Next Generation Internet
- IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies [TLT] - 2009 (deadline to submit the paper December 28, 2008)
Theme :
Real-World Applications of Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation [TOMACS] - 2009 (deadline to submit the paper December 15, 2008)
Theme :
Rare Event Simulation
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics-Part B - 4th Quarter 2009 (deadline to submit the paper December 15, 2008)
Theme :
Game Theory

- Journal of Communications and Networks [JCN] - April, 2009 (deadline to submit the paper December 15, 2008)
Theme :
Distributed Processing for Wireless Networks
- IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine - August 2009 (deadline to submit the paper December 1, 2008)
Theme :
Service-Oriented Broadband Wireless Network Architecture
- IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications [JSAC] - 4th Quarter, 2009 (deadline to submit the paper December 01, 2008)
Theme :
Recent Advances in Autonomic Communications
- ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMCCAP) - November 2009 (deadline to submit the paper December 1, 2008)
Theme :
Knowledge Media

- IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (IEEE CG&A) - July/August, 2009 (deadline to submit the paper October 20, 2008)
Theme :
Virtual Populace
- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence - December, 2009 (deadline to submit the paper October 17, 2008)
Theme :
Shape Analysis and Its Applications in Image Understanding
- IEEE Transactions on Information Technology - April, 2009 (deadline to submit the paper October 15, 2008)
Theme :
Wireless Health
- IEEE Pervasive computing - March, 2009 (deadline to submit the paper October 1, 2008)
Theme :
Smarter Phones
- IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS) - September 2009 (deadline to submit the paper October 1, 2008)
Theme :
Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems
- IEEE Transactions on Multimedia - August 2009 (deadline to submit the paper October 1, 2008)
Theme :
Quality-Driven Cross-Layer Design for Multimedia Communications
- IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering - Early 2010 (deadline to submit the paper October 1, 2008)
Theme :
Evaluation and Improvement of Software Dependability

- ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB) - November, 2009 (deadline to submit the paper September 15, 2008)
Theme :
Recommenders on the Web
- ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing systems (TECS) - Summer, 2009 (deadline to submit the paper September 15, 2008)
Theme :
Model-driven Embedded System Design
- IEEE Internet Computing - May/June 2009 (deadline to submit the paper September 15, 2008)
Theme :
- IEEE Intelligent Systems - May, 2009 (deadline to submit the paper September 15, 2008)
Theme :
Agents and Data Mining
- Computer - April, 2009 (deadline to submit the paper September 15, 2008)
Theme :Agents and Data Mining

- ACM Transactions on Embedded Systems (TECS) - February, 2009 (deadline to submit the paper September 15, 2008)
Theme :
Wireless Helath Systems
- IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (IEEE CG&A) - January 30, 2009 (deadline to submit the paper September 12, 2008)
Theme :
Visual Analytics Evaluation
- ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) - 2009 (deadline to submit the paper September 01, 2008)
Theme :
Knowledge Discovery for Web Intelligence
- IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering - December, 2009 (deadline to submit the paper September 01, 2008)
Theme :
Search-Based Optimization for Software Engineering
- ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) - 2009 (deadline to submit the paper September 10, 2008)
Theme :
Social Computing, Behavioral Modeling, and Prediction

- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence - October 1, 2009 (deadline to submit the paper August 16, 2008)
Theme :
Probabilistic Graphical Models in Computer Vision
- IEEE Selected Areas in Communication [JSAC] - 3rd Quarter, 2009 (deadline to submit the paper August 15, 2008)
Theme :
Stochastic Geometry and Random Graphs for Wireless Networks

- IEEE Intelligent Systems - March, 2009 (deadline to submit the paper August 15, 2008)
Theme :
AI and Cultural Heritage
- IEEE Network Magazine - May 2009 (deadline to submit the paper August 1, 2008)
Theme :
Protocols and Algorithms for Future Cross-Layer and Hybrid Optical Networks

- IEEE Network Magazine - 1st Quarter, 2009 (deadline to submit the paper August 1, 2008)
Theme :
Recent Developments in Network Intrusion Detection


- IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine - April 2009 (deadline to submit the paper June 15, 2008)
Theme :Enterprise Mobility Services

- IEEE Transactions on Computers - July, 2009 (deadline to submit the paper June 01, 2008)
Theme :Autonomic Network Computing

- IEEE Communications Magazine - February, 2009 (deadline to submit the paper June 01, 2008)
Theme :
Advances in Cooperative and Relay Communications

- IEEE Communications Magazine - 2008 (deadline to submit the paper May 16, 2008)
Theme : Automotive Networking-Technology, Design, and Applications
- IEEE Transactions on Multimedia - April, 2009 (deadline to submit the paper May 15, 2008)
Theme :
Communities and Media Computing

- IEEE Communications Magazine - December, 2008 (deadline to submit the paper May 01, 2008)
Theme :Consumer Communications and Networking - Gaming & Entertainment
- IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering - April, 2009 (deadline to submit the paper May 01, 2008)
Theme :Mining Multimedia Streams in Large-Scale Distributed Environments


- IEEE Communications Magazine - October, 2008 (deadline to submit the paper April 15, 2008)
Theme :Network & Service Management Series
- IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering - May-June, 2009 (deadline to submit the paper April 01, 2008)
Theme :Software Language Engineering


- IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering - July, 2009 (deadline to submit the paper March 31, 2008)
Theme :Scientific Workflow Management and Applications

- IEEE Network Magazine - September/October, 2008 (deadline to submitt the paper March 08, 2008)
Theme :
Implications and Control of Middleboxes in the Internet

- IEEE Intelligent Systems - September, 2008 (deadline to submitt the paper March 05, 2008)
Theme :
Natural Language Processing and the Web


- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) Part C: Applications & Reviews - Beginning of 2009 (deadline to submit the paper February 22, 2008)
Theme :
Information Reuse and Integration
- IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine - December, 2008 (deadline to submit the paper February 15, 2008)
Theme :
Practical aspects of mobility in wireless self-organizing networks
- IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - December, 2008 (deadline to submit the paper February 15, 2008)
Theme :
Underwater Wireless Communications and Networks

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