Indian Government Reports
- "India as a Global Leader in Science" Vision Document on Science
A vision document titled "India as a Global Leader in Science" prepared by the Scientific Advisory Council to the Prime Minister was recently released by the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. This vision document envisages India becoming a major scientific player in about 20 years, provided that we usher in the right kind of structural and administrative reforms, and create a favourable environment for carrying out innovative work in India.
The Prime Minister hoped that the ideas in the vision document will inspire the scientific community and all concerned to help build an inclusive, economically and socially vibrant, creative and an enterprising India, and to pursue excellence in science and technology for global good.
- National Action Plan on Climate Change
The action plan spells out eight priority missions that will promote India's development objectives, with the "co-benefit" of tackling climate change.
The eight missions are: solar energy, enhanced energy efficiency, sustainable habitats, water conservation, sustaining the Himalayan ecosystem, developing a 'green' India, sustainable agriculture and building a strategic knowledge platform on climate change.
- Report on The State of Food Insecurity in Urban India
This report has been jointly prepared by the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation and WFP to map food insecurity in urban India. The report is a vital tool for policy makers who can plan special programmes for areas that are most food insecure.
- Report to the People 2011, National Innovation Council

The National Innovation Council was established in the wake of the Government of India declaring 2010-2020 as the Decade of Innovation. This declaration recognises the potential of innovation to bridge unmet needs and access gaps in vital sectors such as agriculture, education, energy, health, skills, urban and rural development, and others; and to drive growth, competitiveness, employment, and opportunity for our country.
India's challenges in these areas are unique, and require innovative approaches and solutions. The Council has been tasked with formulating and implementing an Indian model of inclusive innovation that can deliver these, and with preparing a roadmap for innovation in the country. The Report to the People captures the first year of NInC's activity. It highlights key NInC initiatives across a wide range of areas: financing, productivity and competitiveness, education, connectivity, communication and advocacy, government frameworks, collaboration, and others. NInC looks forward to informing the Indian people about its first year's progress.

International Agencies
- Global Research Report: India
Adams, Jonathan; King, Christopher and Vinay Singh. Thomson Reuters, October 2009.
- ICTs and Climate Change: ITU background report
ITU/MIC Japan Symposium on ICTs and Climate Change, Kyoto, Aprial 15-16, 2008.
- Information Economy Report 2009
The Information Economy Report 2009: Trends and Outlook in Turbulent Times is the fourth in a series published by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The report is one of the few publications to monitor global trends in information and communication technologies (ICTs) as they affect developing countries. It serves as a valuable reference for policymakers in those nations.
- Measuring the Information Society 2010
The latest edition of Measuring the Information Society features the new ITU ICT Development Index (IDI) and the ICT Price Basket - two benchmarking tools to measure the Information Society. The IDI captures the level of advancement of ICTs in 159 countries worldwide and compares progress made between 2002 and 2008. It also measures the global digital divide and examines how it has developed in recent years. The report also features the latest ICT Price Basket, which combines 2009 fixed telephone, mobile cellular and fixed broadband tariffs for 161 economies into one measure and compares these across countries, and over time. The analytical report is complemented by a series of statistical tables providing country-level data for all indicators included in the Index.
- Measuring the Information Society 2009
Measuring the Information Society features the new ITU ICT Development Index. The Index captures the level of advancement of ICTs in more than 150 countries worldwide and compares progress made between 2002 and 2007. It also measures the global digital divide and examines how it has developed in recent years. The report also features a new ICT Price Basket, which combines fixed, mobile and broadband tariffs for 2008 into one measure and compares it across countries. The analytical report is complemented by a series of statistical tables providing country-level data for all indicators included in the Index.
- Working Group I Report "The Physical Science Basis"
Working Group I Contribution to the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2007
The Climate Change 2007 volumes of the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) provide the most comprehensive and balanced assessment of climate change available. This IPCC Working Group I report brings us completely up-to-date on the full range of scientific aspects of climate change. Written by the world's leading experts, the IPCC volumes will again prove to be invaluable for researchers, students, and policymakers, and will form the standard reference works for policy decisions for government and industry worldwide.
- Using ICTs to Tackle Climate Change

Information & Communications Technologies (ICTs) can be used in a number of ways to meet the requirements of the three main pillars of the Bali Action Plan arising from COP-13 in December 2007: enhanced action on adaptation, cooperative action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and actions on mitigation of climate change.
ICTs can address these and the problems that all countries (particularly developing countries) face with respect to Climate Change. ICTs can be used to mitigate the impact of other sectors on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to help countries adapt to climate change.
These impacts are described in this paper.
This report was prepared by a team of experts led by Keith Dickerson (Climate Associates) comprising Daniela Torres (Telefonica), Jean-Manuel Canet (France Telecom), John Smiciklas (Research In Motion), Dave Faulkner (Climate Associates) and Cristina Bueti, Alexandre Vassiliev (International Telecommunication Union).

Other Countries
- PhD Training and the Knowledge-Based Society : An Evaluation of Doctoral Education in Finland
Publications of the Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council.
"The objective of this evaluation was to produce an evidence-based view of the present state of doctoral education in Finland, with the aim of pointing out its strengths as well as its challenges. The starting point was that the evaluation recognize the good practices implemented in doctoral education and produce recommendations to guide continuing quality assessment and improvements in the overall system. Doctoral education in Finnish universities is evaluated for the first time by FINHEEC."

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