Virtual Reference Shelf
Challenge of Establishing World-Class Universities
Governments are becoming increasingly aware of the important contribution that high performance universities make to competitiveness and economic growth. This book explores what are the challenges involved in setting up globally competitive universities, also called "elite", or "flagship" universities.
Changing the Conversation: Messages for Improving Public Understanding of Engineering
Encouraging young people to make a difference in the world through an engineering career is more likely to attract them to the field than emphasizing the challenge of math and science skills, says a new report from the National Academy of Engineering. The report offers tested messages that reposition engineering as a satisfying profession that involves creative ideas and teamwork. It also recommends that the engineering community begin using these messages in a coordinated communications strategy.
- Concurrent Programming for Operating Systems Classes Using SR
In undergraduate operating systems classes, students learn about concurrent process synchronization, including such things as shared data, race conditions, critical sections, mutual exclusion, the test-and-set hardware instruction, semaphores, and monitors. They also study interprocess communication, message passing, the rendezvous, and remote procedure calls.
- Cultivating Careers: Professional Development for Campus IT
Provides an overview of current principles and practices for career development of IT professionals in higher education. Edited by EDUCAUSE Vice President Cynthia Golden and written by top leaders in the industry who have distinguished themselves and their organizations for sharpening others' skills, institutional savvy, and ability to lead.
Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery [Microsoft Research]
Presenting the first broad look at the rapidly emerging field of data-intensive science.
In The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery, the collection of essays expands on the vision of pioneering computer scientist Jim Gray for a new, fourth paradigm of discovery based on data-intensive science and offers insights into how it can be fully realized. [ Full text, high resolution (93 MB)]
- God and Golem, Inc.
In the 1964 book God & Golem, Inc.: A Comment on Certain Points Where Cybernetics Impinges on Religion, Norbert Wiener lays down his ideas on machine learning, machine reproduction and the place of machines in society, on a background of religious references. The provocative title sums up the confrontation of technical, mathematical and imaginative boldness with cultural prejudice.
- Graph Theory with Application pdf html
- Handbook of National Accounting -- Integrated Environment and Economic Accounting
This handbook on integrated environmental and economic accounting responds to the request in Agenda 21 of the Earth Summit of Rio de Janeiro that methods of integrated economic accounting for the environment be published and widely circulated. The handbook presents concepts, methods and classifications which incorporate environmental concerns including natural resource depletion, environmental quality degradation and environmental protection into national accounts by means of a system of integrated environmental and economic accounting (SEEA). The main objective of integrated accounting is to support integrated social, economic and environmental policy by means of environmentally adjusted indicators of national wealth, net domestic product, consumption and capital formation. The handbook will be used, in particular, to assist countries in implementing national programmes or case studies of environmental accounting.
- Indian Science Fiction and Fantasy
India's First Science Fiction Portal! Offering you Stories, Audio Stories (mp3 & RealAudio), eGreetings, eInsults, Discussion Forum, Links to Great Sites, Make Pals, Great Graphics, Downloads & Audio Insults!
- Inspiring Women to Start Innovative Enterprises
This book was written by Sria Majumdar as part of a summer internship at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore. Her project was to develop easy-to-read cases that documented the start-up experiences of some of the alumni of the Management Program for Women Entrepreneurs (MPWE) who had started a new business after attending the program at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore. When we found all initial cases significantly innovative, we chose to document only the more innovative startups among the alumni to keep the focus of this book on innovative startups.
- Internet Archive (The)
The Internet Archive is a non-profit initiative that was founded to build an 'Internet library,' with the purpose of offering permanent access for researchers, historians, and scholars to historical collections that exist in digital format. This includes texts, audio, moving images, and software as well as archived web pages.
- Learning Spaces
Learning Spaces focuses on how learner expectations influence spaces, the principles and activities that facilitate learning, and the role of technology from the perspective of those who create learning environments: faculty, learning technologists, librarians, and administrators. This e-book represents an ongoing exploration as we bring together space, technology, and pedagogy to ensure learner success.
- MPI: The Complete Reference
The goal of the Message Passing Interface, simply stated, is to develop a widely used standard for writing message-passing programs. As such the interface should establish a practical, portable, efficient, and flexible standard for message passing.
- Opening Up Education
Given the abundance of open education initiatives that aim to make educational assets freely available online, the time seems ripe to explore the potential of open education to transform the economics and ecology of education. Despite the diversity of tools and resources already available-from well-packaged course materials to simple games, for students, self-learners, faculty, and educational institutions-we have yet to take full advantage of shared knowledge about how these are being used, what local innovations are emerging, and how to learn from and build on the experiences of others. Opening Up Education argues that we must develop not only the technical capability but also the intellectual capacity for transforming tacit pedagogical knowledge into commonly usable and visible knowledge: by providing incentives for faculty to use (and contribute to) open education goods, and by looking beyond institutional boundaries to connect a variety of settings and open source entrepreneurs.
Research Methods Knowledge Base
The Research Methods Knowledge Base is a comprehensive web-based textbook that addresses all of the topics in a typical introductory undergraduate or graduate course in social research methods. It covers the entire research process including: formulating research questions; sampling (probability and nonprobability); measurement (surveys, scaling, qualitative, unobtrusive); research design (experimental and quasi-experimental); data analysis; and, writing the research paper. It also addresses the major theoretical and philosophical underpinnings of research including: the idea of validity in research; reliability of measures; and ethics.
- Science Books Online
Science Books Online is a directory of free science texts, e-books, monographs, lecture notes, and other science related documents. All texts are available for free access, authorized by their respective authors or publishers -- no pirated books here!
- Search eBooks: an eBook Search Engine
Search-ebooks.eu is a free search engine that provides an option to search for and download various (pdf,doc,ppt,rtf,xls) documents. This search engine contain nearly 50 000 000 document files in our search database and approximately 200 000 files are added daily.
- Transforming Agricultural Research for Development
This paper by the Global Authors' Team (GAT) has been commissioned by the Global Forum on International Agricultural Research (GFAR) as an input into the Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD) being held in, Montpellier, France between March 28th and 31st 2010. It builds on the consultations conducted over nearly a year as part of the GCARD process, in Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific, the North Africa and West Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and the Caucuses, Western Europe, with additional contributions from China and other Emerging Economies. Some 2000 stakeholders of agricultural research from different sectors participated in these consultations. The paper also draws on the team's analysis of the state of the world agricultural research undertaken by or for the benefit of developing countries and the rapidly changing international context in which the research is conducted. ....
- Wireless Networking in the Developing World
A practical guide to planning and building low-cost telecommunications infrastructure. This book was started as the BookSprint project at the 2005 session of
WSFII, in London, England (http://www.wsfii.org/). A core team of seven
people built the initial outline over the course of the event, presented the results
at the conference, and wrote the book over the course of a few months.
Rob Flickenger served as the lead author and editor.
- World e-text Library Foundation
It is a global coordinated effort to preserve and disseminate classic works of literature, serials, bibliographies, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other reference works in a number of languages and countries around the world. Provides free public access to all its collection, many of the works are also available for download.

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