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The Resource Centre has good collection of CDs procured or received as supplementary material along with various print resources especially books. These are hosted on a separate server and are accessible through campus-wide network. To access this collection, click on and give your login ID and Password (provided by the Institute to access resources on the campus).
Also, you can access CDs through Resource Centre WebOPAC . To acess through OPAC, search your required title and click on the link "Click here to Access CD Content" and you will be taken directly to the CD content (login required). Alternatively you can access through the link Media Links given on the menu bar of WebOPAC. Under this link, titles have been listed by classification numberwise (login required).
- C01251 - Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation step by step By Sharp, John
- C01252 - Windows Vista inside out By Bott, Ed
- C01253 - Mathematics and physics for programmers By Kodicek, Danny
- C01254 - Java messaging By Bruno, Eric J.
- C01255 - Introduction to IBM rational application developer : a guided t By Fung, Jane ...[et al.]
- C01256 - Definitive guide to how computers do math : featuring the virtual DIY calculator By Maxfield, Clive
- C01257 - Essentials of 80x86 assembly language programming By Detmer, Richard C.
- C01258 - Oxford companion to economics in India By Basu, Kaushik, ed.
- C01259 - Expert systems : principles and programming, 4th ed. By Giarratano, Joseph C.
- C01260 - Animation from pencils to pixels : classical techniques for the digital animator By White, Tony
- C01261 - Generative social science : studies in agent-based computationa By Epstein, Joshua M.
- C01262 - Finding out about : a cognitive perspective on search engine technology and the WWW By Belew, Richard K.
- C01263 - Object-oriented programming : from problem solving to Java By Garrido, Jose M.
- C01264 - Art of stop-motion animation By Priebe, Ken A.
- C01265 - Animation : the mechanics of motion By Webster, Chris
- C01266 - Virtual reality technology, 2nd ed. By Burdea, Grigore C.
- C01267 - iPlanet application server : design and building J2EE solutions By Ogren, David F.
- C01268 - SQL & PL/SQL for Oracle 10g By Deshpande, P. S.
- C01269 - Introduction to communication systems simulation By Schiff, Maurice
- C01270 - Theory of finite simple groups By Michler, Gerhard
- C01271 - Digital signal processing and applications with the C6713 and C By Chassaing, Rulph
- C01272 - Adobe InDesign CS : design professional By Botello, Chris
- C01273 - Beginning game graphics By Evry, Harry J.
- C01274 - Beginning game level design By Feil, John
- C01275 - New perspectives on computer concepts : comprehensive, 9th ed. By Parsons, June Jamrich
- C01276 - Software engineering for game developers By Flynt, John P.
- C01277 - Object-oriented program development using Java : a class-centre By Bronson, Gary J.
- C01278 - Java : learning to program with robots By Becker, Byron Weber
- C01279 - Bebop to the Boolean boogie : an unconventional guide to electr By Maxfield, Clive
- C01280 - Practical Windows administration scripting By Malik, Bobby
- C01281 - Digital communications and signal processing By Vasudevan, K.
- C01282 - Embedded core design with FPGAs By Navabi, Zainalabedin
- C01283 - Electronic communications : principles and systems By Stanley, William D.
- C01284 - Parallel port complete : programming, interfacing, and using th By Axelson, Jan
- C01313 - Numerical techniques for chemical and biological engineers using MATLAB : a simple bifurcation approach By Elnashaie, Said
- C01314 - Introduction to UNIX/Linux By Diaz, Christopher
- C01315 - Intel microprocessor family : hardware and software principles and applications By Antonakos, James L.
- C01316 - Introduction to Java programming and object-oriented applicatio By Johnson, Richard A.
- C01317 - Text mining application programming By Konchady, Manu
- C01318 - Introduction to VLSI circuits and systems By Uyemura, John P.
- C01319 - Introduction to VLSI circuits and systems By Uyemura, John P.
- C01320 - Guide to networking essentials, 5th ed. By Tomsho, Greg
- C01321 - Chip design for submicron VLSI : CMOS layout and simulation By Uyemura, John P.
- C01322 - Fundamentals of digital signal processing using MATLAB By Schilling, Robert J.
- C01323 - Introduction to 3D graphics & animation using Maya By Watkins, Adam
- C01324 - Hacking Web services By Shah, Shreeraj
- C01325 - HDL programming fundamentals : VHDL and Verilog By Botros, Nazeih M.
- C01326 - Foundations of electronics, circuits and devices, 4th ed. By Meade, Russell L.
- C01327 - Protecting your PC By Barile, Ian
- C01328 - Discrete mathematics for computer science By Haggard, Gary
- C01329 - Microsoft SQL server 2005 : database essentials step by step By Solid Quality Learning
- C01330 - Developing Web services for Web applications : a guided tour fo By Burrus, Colette
- C01331 - 3ds Max 8 : from modeling to animation By Kulagin, Boris
- C01332 - Applied statistics : using SPSS, STATISTICA, and MATLAB and R, By Sa, J. P. Marques de
- C01333 - Digital VLSI systems design : a design manual for implementatio By Ramachandran, Seetharaman
- C01334 - Cognitive radio architecture : the engineering foundations of r By Mitola, Joseph
- C01335 - Young designers : graduates from the National Institute of Desi By National Institute of Design
- C01336 - Application interoperability : Microsoft .NET and J2EE By Laudati, Peter ... [et al.]
- C01337 - C# and game programming : a beginner's guide, 2nd ed. By Buono, Salvatore A.
- C01338 - Digital signal processing handbook By Madisetti, Vijay K., ed.
- C01339 - Practical algorithms for 3D computer graphics By Ferguson, R. Stuart
- C01340 - Psychoacoustics : facts and models, 3rd ed. By Fastl, Hugo
- C01341 - Game programmer's guide to Torque : under the hood of the Torqu By Maurina, Edward F.
- C01342 - Absolute Java, 3rd ed. By Savitch, Walter J.
- C01343 - Practical support for CMMI-SW software project documantation : By Land, Susan K.
- C01344 - Designing interactions By Moggridge, Bill
- C01346 - Matrix analysis and applied linear algebra By Meyer, Carl D.
- C01347 - Phase-locked loop engineering handbook for integrated circuits By Goldman, Stanley J.
- C01348 - Art of Maya : an introduction to 3D computer graphics, 4th ed. By Brown, Tim H. ...[et al.]
- C01349 - Excel for scientists and engineers : numerical methods By Billo, E. Joseph.
- C01350 - Information technology for management : transforming organizati By Turban, Efraim ... [et al.]
- C01351 - Digital signal processors : architectures, implementations, and By Kuo, Sen M.
- C01369 - Windows Vista : resource kit By Tulloch, Mitch
- C01370 - Introduction to SQL : mastering the relational database language, 4th ed. By Lans, Rick F. van der
- C01371 - Protect Your Child on the Internet : a parent's toolkit By Lenardon, John
- C01372 - MCITP self-paced training kit (exam 70-442) : designing and optimizing data access by using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 By Morgan, Sara
- C01373 - Microsoft windows workflow foundation : step by step By Scribner, Kenn
- C01374 - Mathematical statistics and data analysis, 3rd ed. By Rice, John A.
- C01375 - Linux TCP/IP networking for embedded systems, 2nd ed. By Herbert, Thomas F.
- C01376 - Embedded microcomputer systems : real time interfacing, 2nd ed. By Valvano, Jonathan W.
- C01377 - Oracle 10g database administrator : implementaton & administration By Powell, Gavin
- C01378 - Oracle 10g database administrator : implementaton & administration By Powell, Gavin
- C01379 - Microsoft office project 2007 inside out By Stover, Teresa S.
- C01380 - Real-time embedded components and systems By Siewert, Sam
- C01381 - Analog synthesizers : understanding, performing, buying : from By Jenkins, Mark
- C01382 - CMOS RFIC design principles By Caverly, Robert
- C01383 - Conics By Kendig, Keith
- C01384 - Introduction to geographic information systems,4th ed. By Chang, Kang-Tsung
- C01385 - Object-oriented software engineering : practical software development using UML and Java, 2nd ed. By Lethbridge, Timothy C.
- C01386 - Information systems programming with Java, 2nd ed. By Staugaard, Andrew C.
- C01387 - Java foundations : introduction to program design & data structures By Lewis, John
- C01388 - Interactive multimedia introduction to signal processing, 2nd ed. By Karrenberg, Ulrich
- C01389 - Introduction to network programming with Java By Graba, Jan
- C01390 - RF power amplifiers for wireless communications, 2nd ed. By Cripps, Steve C.
- C01391 - Planar microwave engineering : a practical guide to theory, mea By Lee, Thomas H.
- C01392 - Setting up healthcare services information systems : a guide for requirement analysis, application specification, and procuremen By Pan American Health Organization
- C01393 - Network routing : algorithms, protocols, and architectures By Medhi, Deepankar
- C01394 - Providing quality of service in heterogeneous environments. Volume 5b By Charzinsky, J., ed.
- C01395 - Secure programming with static analysis By Chess, Brian
- C01396 - Exploring scanning probe microscopy with mathematica, 2nd ed. By Sarid, Dror
- C01397 - Oracle Database 10g Express edition PHP web programming By McLaughlin, Michael
- C01398 - Digital image processing : PIKS Scientific inside, 4th ed. By Pratt, William K.
- C01399 - Designing and managing the supply chain : concepts, strategies, and case studies, 3rd ed. By Simchi-Levi, David
- C01400 - Management information systems, 8th ed. By O'Brien, James A
- C01401 - Introducing 3ds Max 9 : 3D for beginners By Derakhshani, Dariush
- C01402 - Verilog hardware description language, 5th ed. By Thomas, Donald E.
- C01403 - Introductory statistics, 2nd ed. By Ross, Sheldon M.
- C01404 - Electricity : principles and applications, 7th ed. By Fowler, Richard J.
- C01405 - Grid computing for developers By Silva, Vladimir
- C01406 - Software testing tools : covering winrunner, silktest, loadrunner, JMeter and testdirector and QTP with case studies By Prasad, K. V. K. K.
- C01407 - Microsoft Vista for IT security professionals By Chaffin, Larry... [et al.]
- C01408 - Programming and problem solving with Java, 2nd ed. By Dale, Nell
- C01409 - Introduction to 80x86 assembly language and computer architecture By Detmer, Richard C.
- C01410 - Laboratory course in Java By Dale, Nell
- C01411 - Object-oriented programming with Java, 2nd ed. By Holmes, Barry J.
- C01412 - International conference on software engineering advances, August 25-31, 2007 - Cap Esterel, France (ICSEA 2007) By Dascalu, Sergiu ...[et al.] (eds.)
- C01423 - Mission 2007 : every village a knowledge centre By Abdul Kalam, A. P. J.
- C01424 - Microsoft Windows server 2003 TCP/IP protocols and services : technical reference By Davies, Joseph
- C01425 - Partial differential equations for computational science : with Maple and vector analysis By Betounes, David
- C01426 - Guide to MATLAB object-oriented programming By Register, Andy H.
- C01427 - Neural networks and computing : learning algorithms and applications By Chow, Tommy W. S.
- C01428 - Point-based graphics By Gross, Markus, ed.
- C01429 - Climate Change 2007 : the physical science basis By Solomon, Susan... [et al.] (ed.)
- C01430 - Elementary Bayesian biostatics By Moye, Lemuel A.
- C01431 - Advanced game development with programmable graphics hardware By Watt, Alan H.
- C01432 - Audio anecdotes : tools, tips, and techniques for digital audio By Greenebaum, Ken, ed.
- C01433 - Computer algebra and symbolic computation : elementary algorithms By Cohen, Joel S.
- C01434 - Computer algebra and symbolic computation : mathematical methods By Cohen, Joel S.
- C01435 - Wireless networking By Chandra, Praphul... [et al.]
- C01436 - Real sound synthesis for interactive applications By Cook, Perry R.
- C01437 - Electronics : principles and applications, 7th ed. By Schuler, Charles A.
- C01438 - Data analysis tools for DNA microarrays, Disc 1 By Draghici, Sorin
- C01439 - Data analysis tools for DNA microarrays, Disc 2 By Draghici, Sorin
- C01441 - Singular introduction to commutative algebra, 2nd ed. By Greuel, Gert-Martin
- C01442 - Audio anecdotes III : tools, tips, and techniques for digital audio By Greenebaum, Ken, ed.
- C01443 - Problem solving with C++ : the object of programming, 6th ed. By Savitch, Walter
- C01445 - Numerical library in Java for scientists and engineers By Lau, Hang T.
- C01446 - Mathematics for game developers By Tremblay, Christopher
- C01447 - Computer vision and applications : a guide for students and practitioners By Jahne, Bernd, ed.
- C01448 - Digital signal processing system-level design using LabVIEW By Kehtarnavaz, Nasser
- C01449 - Verilog PLI handbook : a user's guide and comprehensive reference on the Verilog programming language interface, 2nd ed. By Sutherland, Stuart
- C01450 - Applications of abstract algebra with maple and MATLAB, 2nd ed. By Klima, Richard E.
- C01451 - Principles of modern operating systems By Garrido, Jose M.
- C01452 - Rapid prototyping of digital systems sopc edition By Hamblen, James O.
- C01453 - Computer networking : Internet protocols in action By Matthews, Jeanna
- C01454 - Codewarrior : Development studio for Motorola HC(S)12 microcontrollers By Lipovski, G. Jack.
- C01455 - VHDL answers to frequently asked questions, 2nd ed. By Cohen, Ben
- C01456 - Mobile location services : the definitive guide By Jagoe, Andrew
- C01457 - VHDL : modular design and synthesis of cores and systems, 3rd ed. By Navabi, Zainalabedin
- C01458 - Software security : building security in By McGraw, Gary
- C01459 - Cryptographic libraries for developers By Moyle, Ed
- C01460 - First biennial national conference on computer vision, pattern recognition, image processing and graphics, NCVPRIPG, 11-13 Jan By Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Te
- C01461 - Global software development handbook By Sangwan, Raghvinder ... [et al.] (ed.)
- C01462 - Audio mashup construction kit By Roseman, Jordan
- C01463 - Practical algorithms for image analysis : description, examples, programs, and projects, 2nd ed. By O'Gorman, Lawrence
- C01464 - Misource 2007 By O'Brien, James A.
- C01465 - Uneasy alliance : the Mathematics Research Center at the University of Wisconsin, 1956-1987 By Chandra, Jagdish
- C01466 - Financial dynamics : a system for valuing technology companies By Westland, J. Christopher
- C01467 - Practical support for ISO 9001 software project documentation using IEEE software engineering standards By Land, Susan K.
- C01468 - Introduction to Windows and graphics programming with Visual C++.NET By Mayne, Roger
- C01469 - 3D game engine design : a practical approach to real-time computer graphics, 2nd ed. By Eberly, David H.
- C01470 - Cambridge dictionary of American English, 2nd ed. By Cambridge
- C01472 - Analog and digital signal processing : an integrated computational approach with MATLAB By Kronenburger, John
- C01473 - Writing fast programs : a practical guide for scientists and engineers By Riley, John
- C01474 - Practical guide to data structures and algorithms using Java By Goldman, Sally A.
- C01475 - RF and wireless technologies By Fette, Bruce ...[et al.]
- C01476 - Practical hacking techniques and countermeasures By Spivey, Mark D.
- C01477 - Internet information services (IIS) 6.0 resource kit By Microsoft IIS Team
- C01478 - MCSE self-paced training kit (exam 70-293) : planning and maint By Zacker, Craig
- C01479 - Microsoft Office Excel 2007 : inside out By Dodge, Mark
- C01480 - Microsoft Office Visio 2003 inside out By Walker, Mark H.
- C01481 - Microsoft Office Visio 2007 inside out By Walker, Mark H.
- C01482 - Microsoft SQL server 2005 reporting services step by step By Misner, Stacia
- C01483 - Microsoft SQL server 2005 analysis services step by step By Jacobson, Reed
- C01485 - Microsoft SQL server 2005 : applied techniques : step by step By Solid quality learning
- C01486 - Microsoft Windows security inside out for Windows XP and Window By Bott, Ed
- C01487 - Circuits, signals and systems for bioengineers : a MATLAB-based introduction By Semmlow, John L.
- C01488 - Embedded multitasking By Curtis, Keith E.
- C01489 - Implementing 802.11 with microcontrollers : wireless networking By Eady, Fred
- C01490 - Probability and statistics with integrated software routines By Deep, Ronald
- C01491 - City flavours By Padia, Bhakti

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